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Yoga for Sore Bodies
The benefit to attending live virtual classes rather than a pre-recorded class is that I can see you as you practice. I can address you directly if a movement or posture isn't working for you and provide additional information on how to do something, if I find you struggling.
This makes the practice more relevant and effective for the participants. You will also be practicing with other people in the comfort of your own home.
online GROUP More Info
Virtual Live Classes
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Link to Zoom will be sent after payment is received.
There are no refunds or make-up classes.
These classes are for you if you have:
Mild arthritis, or you are stiff/sore and want a gradual approach to strengthening and stretching.
You're over 50.
Improve posture and ease in the body.
Suitable for individuals with hip or knee replacement.
We will be doing the exercises on the floor, in a chair and standing. You'll need a few thick blankets, a yoga belt or something similar like an old tie or bathrobe sash, and a chair or wall space.
Your own music playing in the background is an option. All participants will be muted.
Online Weekly RECORDINGS

Audio recordings of previous classes available through a monthly subscription service include topics for:
Sciatica - 2 programs
Upper Back, Neck & Shoulders & How to sit with more ease
Hips, Low Back & Posture Part I
Yoga for Sore Bodies - an 8 week series
A Practice for when you sit alot
A Practice for when you walk alot
Free Trial
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online testimonials
What Others Say About Online classes
"That (class) was great. I have never put the pelvic floor awareness together so much with breathing and diaphragm movement. I have often wondered how to stay centred in some of the table position movements where you lift your legs. I always seem to be uncentred. This was eye opening. Thank you." Maureen Mundan, Group Class Online for Hips, Low Back & Posture.
"Just a short note to say that I got a lot out of the sciatica course. I am putting into practice the postures and exercises to alleviate discomfort and strengthen muscles. " Mary McElroy, Online 1-on-1
"So I did the yoga session with the recording first thing this morning. I then had a hike with friends at 10 AM. We only went about 3 Km but I experienced far less pain In my back rib area than I had on the weekend. " L. C.
Hi Joanne, The warm ( hot) weather has truly dampened my enthusiasm for indoor activities. So I guess I will consider myself finished with the online Yoga classes for the time being. But I do want to THANK YOU over and over many times for your pandemic series of classes. For me it was a greatly appreciated break from the solitude and isolation. I applaud your caring and creative spirit in creating those classes during those times. Thanks again, Joanne." Brenda Harris
Hi Joanne, AJ and I aren't going to be at yoga this morning. But we are both interested to sign up if you continue another session. He is enjoying the classes and would like to continue. It's helping his tight hips, easing lower back pain, tight hamstrings and sciatica. Thanks." Susan
"So excited and thankful to have experienced my first on line yoga class.Thank you Joanne." Joanne Vivona
"...I should also mention I slept incredibly well Thursday night. Slept straight through from 10 pm to 7 am!! Didn't even get up to pee! LOL". Candace Castro
"Hi Joanne, this was so wonderful of you to do this. It really helped the feeling of isolation and I loved how you focused on some relaxation techniques. Thank you for taking the time." Pam Odam
"Thank you so much. I loved that (class). I got so excited as this was my first scheduled event in a month. I have pretty much been sick with a flu cold since I saw you at your home. Heading into week 4 of hanging at home. I will continue to do the restorative class. I will also try to have the camera thing figured out by next class." Maureen Munden
'Thanks for the class Joanne. It's been quite a while since I've seen you and I hope you have been well throughout. It is a great thing that people such as yourself are offering these continuations of regular life, very helpful." Jill Willington
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